quarta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2011

Termas romanas na villa de BORG

O facto de se ter reconstruído a villa romana de Borg, após escavações e estudos arqueológicos, permite-nos visualizar o quotidiano destes nossos antepassados, conhecer o interior e a decoração das casas, e a forma como se dedicavam ao lazer. As termas romanas de água quente e de água fria são o de mais encantador nesta villa, termas que por vezes não são só visitáveis mas também podem ser desfrutáveis! Compensa sempre visitar a Alemanha!

Segue-se um texto oficial sobre este local em inglês: The manor, the main building in the complex, was and is the structure on which the entire villa complex is focused. Like the Roman Villa Nennig, the reception hall had a large mosaic floor, in this case in black and white. The remains of a coloured mosaic were found in one of the adjacent rooms. The mosaics, marble, and wall compositions of pilasters and cornices all hint at the grandeur of ancient times. The picturesque designs seen in the manor and baths are partly based on original archaeological finds in Borg, and the furniture, doors, windows, hot water boiler in the boiler room, and many of the technical details inside the villa are all exact reproductions of the Roman originals.

The rooms of the manor are today used as a museum, in which the most important finds from Borg are displayed. Civil weddings are also held here. The former residential building and workshop area also houses the media centre, where a multimedia presentation transports visitors back to the ancient world of the Romans. The villa baths Learn all about and be impressed by the ancient Roman baths.

The villa baths are the most interesting historical part of the villa. From the entrance area you reach the cold bath with its large pool. Next to it - in line with ancient bathing customs - is the vaulted room containing the hot bath. The other rooms were used for relaxation and conversation. The villa baths were heated using the Roman floor heating system called the hypocaust. The way in which a hypocaust is constructed is explained in one of the corners of the room. The boiler room, which is located to the side and which houses the hot water boiler, can be reached through a separate entrance at the rear of the building. The villa baths with their Roman ambience can be hired for events on request.

Fonte: http://www.villa-borg.de/pdf/flyer_borg_en.pdf

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